Vietnamese-VNEnglish (UK)

Banner Chuyen doi so 2024




1. Functions

Study of the atmosphericphysics, climate, environmentandapplications inenvironmentalprotection, disasterprevention andmitigation, responseto climate change. Study of the lightningactivities and proposal of the preventive methods: design,construction, inspection of lightningprotectionsystemsandequipment.

2. Human resoures


Staff personnel:    33

PhDs:                    02

MSc and Eng.:      08

3. Main research fields and Achievements:

Main research fields

Atmospheric electricity. Observationandstudyof the atmospheric electricity, lightningactivitiesandproposal of the preventive solutions; manufacture the lightning monitoring equipment, lightningwarningandlightning protection. Design, construction, testing, lightning protection systems, lightningprotectionandwarningdevices.

Atmospheric radiation, cloud physics andaerosol; Observe the radiation, cloudsandaerosols; studythe interaction betweenradiation, clouds, gas, aerosol and atmospheric conditions, climate; proposal of the solutionsexploitsolar energys andother applications.

Atmospheric boundary layer. Observationandstudy ofwind; researchapplications in theatmosphericboundarylayer, theexploitationofwind energyandother applications.

Atmospheric dynamics. Studyofatmosphericprocessesrelated tohazardous weatherphenomena(extreme) andclimate change; applicationsinweather, climate andclimate change;

Postgraduate traininginatmosphericscience, meteorology, climate.


- The Atmospheric Physics Department has been implementing 04 national project, 01 project of space science and technology programs, 01 project of the National Foundation for Science and Technology (NAFOSTED), 02 threads of Institute of Science and Technology of Vietnam, many project of fundamental research program, and contracts research and technology transfer.

- Establish the lightning density map of Vietnam and using in the regulations to prevent lightning of the construction industry in 2007.

- Assess the lightning activitie; proposal of the lightning preventive solutions, design and construction of lightning protection systems for buildings, houses in Vung Tau, Quang Nam; Testing of the lightning protection system intheNationalConferencial Center at My Dinh, Hanoi...; Consulting and designing the lightning protection system for Dong Hoi airport.

- Assess the wind profile and establish the economic tecnologicalfacts for thewindenergy utilisation: application forQuy Nhon, Binh Dinh


4. Equipments


The Atmospheric Physics Department  has the observation system

      -    Weather observation stations: 03

-          Lightning positioningstations: 08

-          Aerosol Observatory(NASA AERONETsystem): 02

-          Atmospheric monitoringstation (LIDAR): 01



view of the sunphotometer


Atmospheric monitoring system – LIDAR                  Aerosol observation stations - AERONET


5. Projects 

1.     The project of the foundation research program for application: “Estimate of the amountandthecharacteristicsofaerosols and  proposal of the solutionstoimprovethe quality ofweather forecastsandrespondtoclimate changeandenvironmental protection”, 2011-2012

2.    The project of the National Foundation for Science and Technology (NAFOSTED): “Investigation of the Predictability of the Summer Monsoon Onset over the Southern Vietnam”, 2010-2012.

3.    The mission of the committee for local science and technology : “Study and proposed of the lightning preventivesolution inQuangNam”, 2010-2012

4.    The VAST project: “Study of the processing of the lightningprevention technologyforconstructionin Vietnam”, 2010-2011

5.    Project of the space technologyprogram: “Application of space technologyto estimatethe effectsoftheionosphereand atmosphere on the precision when using thesatellite signalinVietnam”, 2008-2010

6.    The fundamental research project : “Study of the Research lightningpositioning system and applications for prevention andmitigationofnaturaldisasterscausedbylightning”, 2006-2008

7.    The province project: “Study of the lightning activityand proposal of the preventive methods: application for the 04 models in Xuyen Moc – Dat Do”, 2006-2006.

8.    The fundamental research project : “Study of the scientific basisfor theamendmentsandregulationstopreventlightningin Vietnam”, 2004-2005.

9.    The fundamental research project : “Study of the lightning discharge using theTRMMsatellitedata”, 2002-2003

10.  The Cooperative Projects with NASA for aerosol studies (AERONET).

11.  The national project : Investigation of thunderstorm, lightning activities in Vietnam and Protective Solution Recommendation”.

12.  The national project : “Fundamental Investigation on the Wind speed vertical profile at Phuoc Hoa - Binh Dinh and it’s applications”.




Installation of the lightning protection system

in the National Conferencial Center at My Dinh, Hanoi






6. Selected publications

1.          Loftus, A.M., Tsay, S.-C., Pantina, P., Nguyen, C., Gabriel, P.M., Nguyen, X.A., Sayer, A.M., Tao, W.-K., Matsui, T., 2016. Coupled Aerosol-Cloud Systems over Northern Vietnam during 7-SEAS/BASELInE: A Radar and Modeling Perspective. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 16, 2768–2785. DOI:10.4209/aaqr.2015.11.0631. pdf

2.          Pantina, P., Tsay, S., Hsiao, T., Loftus, A.M., Kuo, F., Sayer, A.M., Wang, S., Lin, N., Hsu, N.C., Janjai, S., Chantara, S., Nguyen, A.X., Goddard, N., Flight, S., 2016. COMMIT in 7-SEAS / BASELInE : Operation of and Observations from a Novel , Mobile Laboratory for Measuring In-Situ Properties of Aerosols and Gases. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 26, 2728–2741. DOI:10.4209/aaqr.2015.011.0630. pdf

3.          Popovicheva, O.B., Engling, G., Diapouli, E., Saraga, D., Persiantseva, N.M., Timofeev, M.A., Kireeva, E.D., Shonija, N.K., Chen, S.-H., Nguyen, D.L., Eleftheriadis, K., Lee, C.-T., 2016. Impact of Smoke Intensity on Size-Resolved Aerosol Composition and Microstructure during the Biomass Burning Season in Northwest Vietnam. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 16, 2635–2654. DOI:10.4209/aaqr.2015.07.0463. pdf

4.          Tsay, S., Maring, H.B., Lin, N., Buntoung, S., Chantara, S., Chuang, H., Gabriel, P.M., Goodloe, C.S., Holben, B.N., Hsiao, T., Hsu, N.C., Janjai, S., Lau, W.K.M., Lee, C., Lee, J., Loftus, A.M., Nguyen, A.X., Nguyen, C.M., Pani, S.K., Pantina, P., Sayer, A.M., Tao, W., Wang, S., Welton, E.J., Wiriya, W., Yen, M., 2016. Satellite-Surface Perspectives of Air Quality and Aerosol-Cloud Effects on the Environment : An Overview of 7-SEAS / BASELInE. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 16, 2581–2602. DOI:10.4209/aaqr.2016.08.0350. pdf

5.     Bernard Fontaine, Xuan Thanh Pham, 2012 : Modulation of the African-Indian rainfall relationship by the thermal variability overthe Mediterranean Sea in northern summer. International Journal of Climatology (Accepted)

6.         Reid, J.S., Hyer, E.J., Johnson, R., Holben, B.N., Yokelson, R.J., Zhang, J., Campbell, J.R., Christopher, S.A., Di Girolamo, L., Giglio, L., Holz, R.E., Kearney, C., Miettinen, J., Reid, E.A., Turk1, F.J., Wang, J., Xian, P., Zhao, G., Balasubramanian, R., Chew, B.N., Janjai, S., Lagrosas, N., Lestari, P., Lin, N.-H., Mahmud, M., Anh, X.N., Norris, B., Oahn, N.T.K., Oo, M., Salinas, S., Welton, E.J., Liew, S.C., 2012. ­­­Observing and understanding the Southeast Asian aerosol system by remote sensing: An initial review and analysis for the Seven Southeast Asian Studies (7SEAS) program. Atmos. Res., 10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.06.005.

7.     Pham Xuan Thanh, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Do Thi Thuy, Le Viet Huy, 2012 : Impact of winter monsoon circulations on aerosol optical depth in Bac Lieu and Bac Giang. Journal of Sciences of the Earth,  Vol. 34, No. 3, p 266-274.

8.     Dang Thi Bich Hop, Pham Hong Quang, Ngo Dinh Sang, Le Tuan Tu, Do Quang Ngoc and Lai Thanh Thuy, 2012: Study of electrodeposition of CuGaSe2 layer on ITO and Mo substrates. Journal of Science and Technology. Volume 50, Number 1A, pp 183-190.

9.     Damien Boulard, Benjamin Pohl, Julien Crétat, Nicolas Vigaud, Thanh Pham-Xuan, 2012: Downscaling large-scale climate variability using a regional climate model: the case of ENSO over Southern Africa.Climate Dynamics,  DOI 10.1007/s00382-012-1400-6

10.     D. T. B. Hop, P. H. Quang, N. D. Sang, T. H. Duc and L. T. Tu, 2012: Effect of sulfamic acid as complexing agent on electrodeposition of CIGS absorber thin film. Journal of Ceramic Processing and Research. Accepted (JCPR 11-0070).

11.     P. H. Quang, N. D. Sang, D. T. B. Hop, 2012: Effect of electrodeposition potential on the composition and morphology of CIGS absorber thin film. Bulletin of Materials Science. Accepted (BOMS-D-11-00766R1).

12.     D. T. B. Hop, P. H. Quang, N. D. Sang, 2012: Growth of Cu(In0.7Ga0.3)Se2 stoichiometric thin film by electrodeposition. Communication In Physics. Accepted.

13.     Pham Xuan Thanh, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Le Viet Huy, Le Nhu Quan, Hoang Hai Son, Pham Le Khuong, 2012 : Impact of rainfall in summer onseting monsoon on aerosol optical depth in Bac Lieu. Journal of Sciences of the Earth,  Vol. 33, No. 1, p10-17.

14.  Hoang Hai Son, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Le Viet Huy, Pham Xuan Thanh, 2011 : Determination of lightning activity parameters from lightning simulation data. Journal of Sciences of the Earth, Vol. 33, No. 2, p 134-141.

15.  Xuan Thanh Pham, Bernard Fontaine, Nathalie Philippon, Xuan Anh Nguyen, Nhu Quan Le, 2011. Definition and predictability of the Summer Monsoon Onset over the Southern Vietnam The Second International MAHASRI/HyARC Workshop on Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle. 22-24 August 2011, Nha Trang.

16.  Le Nhu Quan, Phan Van Tan, 2011: Projected changes of heavy rainfall indices over Vietnam using Regional Climate Model (RegCM3). Journal of science, Vietnam national university, hanoi, Vol. 27, No. 1, p200-210.

17.  Thi-Minh-Ha Ho, Van-Tan Phan, Nhu-Quan Le, Quang-Trung Nguyen, 2011:  Extreme climatic events over Vietnam from ­observational data and RegCM3 projections. Climate research Monthly, ISSN:0936-577X, doi:10.3354/cr01021

18.  Phan Van Tan, Nguyen Quang Trung, Ngo Duc Thanh, Le Nhu Quan, 2011 : On the seasonal prediction of surface climate over Vietnam using Regional Climate Model (RegCM3) The Second International MAHASRI / HyARC Workshop on Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle. 22-24 August 2011, Nha Trang, Viet Nam, 97-106.

19.  P. H. Quang, D. T. B. Hop, N. D. Sang,L. T. Tu,N. T. Nghi, 2011 : Effect of sulfamic acid as complexing agent on electrodeposition of CIGS absorber thin film. World Journal of Engineering Vol. 8, P. 929-930

20.  Pham Hong Quang, Ngo Dinh Sang, Le Tuan Tu, Dang Thi Bich Hop, Nguyen Thanh Nghi, 2011: Effect of electrodeposition potential on the composition and morphology of CIGS absorber thin film. World Journal of Engineering Vol. 8, P. 869-870

21.  Pham X.T., B. Fontaine, N. Philippon, 2010 : Onset of the Summer Monsoon over the Southern Vietnam and its Predictability. Theor. Appl. Climatol. , 99, 105-113.

22.  Le Van Luu, Le Viet Huy, Pham Xuan Thanh, Hoang Hai Son, 2010 : Solar radiation and wind at several locations in the territory of Vietnam. Scientific conference 35th anniversary of the VietNam Academy of Science and Technology – Ha Noi 2010. Subcommittee: Earth Sciences, p300-305.

23.  Nguyen Xuan Anh, Le Viet Huy, Hoang Hai Son, 2010: Some results of the recent thunderstorm and lightning protection research at the Institute of Geophysics. Scientific conference 35th anniversary of the VietNam Academy of Science and Technology – Ha Noi 2010. Subcommittee: Earth Sciences, p295-299.

24.  Le Viet Huy, Nguyen Xuan Anh, 2010: The method and some primary results of aerosol observation in VietNam . Scientific conference 35th anniversary of the VietNam  Academy of Science and Technology – Ha Noi 2010. Subcommittee: Earth Science, p306-310.

25.  V. A. Shklovskij,  Dang Thi Bich Hop, 2010 : The Hall effect and microwave absorption by vortices in an anisotropic superconductor with a periodic pinning potential. Low Temperature Physics, Vol.36, No. 1, P 71-80.

26.  Gudkov, V.N.;   Lutsenko, V.I.;   Lutsenko, I.V.;   Anh, N.X.;   Popov, I.V.;   Sinitskiy, V.B. 2010 : Using signals of the global navigation satellites for diagnostics of above land troposphere refraction, Radar Conference (EuRAD), 2010 European   ISBN: 978-1-4244-7234-5 , P. 495 - 498

27.  James R. Campbell, Nofel Lagrosas, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Boon Ning Chew, Brent N. Holben, Neng-Huei Lin, Jeffrey S. Reid, Santo V. Salinas, Nobuo Sugimoto, Si-Chee Tsay, and Ellsworth J. Welton, 2010 SALINAS: An Emerging Aerosol LIDAR Network Supporting the Seven Southeast Asian Studies (7SEAS) Campaign.  25th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC25) 5 - 9 July 2010 St. Petersburg, Russia.

28.  V. I. Lutsenko I. V. Lutsenko and N. X. Anh, 2010:The use of doppler radars for studying the turbulence of air masses in clouds.  Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. Volume 53, Number 6ISSN 0735-2727, DOI: 10.3103/S0735272710060014

29.  V. N. Gudkov V. I. LutsenkoI. V. Lutsenko and N. X. Anh, 2010:Diagnosing refraction properties of troposphere over land using global navigation systems. Radioelectronics and Communications Systems Volume 53, Number 7ISSN 0735-2727 DOI: 10.3103/S0735272710070010

30.  Pham Xuan Thanh, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Le Viet Huy, Le Nhu Quan, Bernard Fontaine, Nathalie Philippon, 2009.Spatial and temporal study of rainfall characteristics over Vietnam. Journal of Sciences of the Earth,  Vol. 31, No. 4,  p39-48.

31.  V. A. Shklovskij,  Dang Thi Bich Hop, 2009 : Effect of the transport current on microwave absorption by vortices in type-II superconductors. Low Temperature Physics, Vol.35, No. 5, P365-369

32.  V.N. Gudkov, V.I. Lutsenko, I.V. Lutsenko, N.X. Anh, 2009 : Remote Sensing of Troposphere Processes Using Systems of Global Navigation.  International Radar Symposium 2009, Hamburg, Germany

33.  V.I. Lutsenko, I.V. Lutsenko, I.V. Popov, N.X. Anh, 2009 :Use Doppler Radars for Studying Turbu-lence of Air Weights in Storm Clouds. International Radar Symposium 2009, Hamburg, Germany

34.  V.I.Lutsenko, I.V.Lutsenko, I.V.Popov, V.B. Sinitsky, E.V. Tarnavsky, N.X. Anh, 2009:Usage of Electromagnetic Fields of Anthropogenic Irradiation Sources for Remote Sensing of Atmospheric. International Radar Symposium 2009, Hamburg, Germany

35. xạ tầng đối lưu  và các lớp phản xạ theo mức biến đổi tín hiệu vệ tinh Hội thảo quốc tế về xử lý tín hiệu không theo phân bố chuẩn. Cherkas, Ukraine, 2009, tr.101-103

36.  Nguyen Xuan Anh, Pham Le Khuong, V.A. Kabanov, V.I. Lutsenko, I.V. Lutsenko, V.B. Sinitsky, 2008 : Estimation of atmospheric parameters related with the dangerous meteorological phenomena by radio occultation Method. Journal of GEOLOGY, Series B, No. 31-32, p. 60-66

37.  Pham Xuan Thanh, Bernard Fontaine, Nathalie Philippon, 2008 : Definition and predictability of the beginning of the rainy season over North Vietnam. Journal of Sciences of the Earth,  Vol. 30, No. 1, p 39-48.

38.  Nguyen Xuan Anh, 2008: the research strategy of atmospheric physics in the 21st century. Proceeding of Geophysics sciencetific conference in 2008, The natural science and technology publisher, p.269-274.

39.  Nguyen Xuan Anh, Le Viet Huy, Hoang Hai Son, 2008: Research on thunderstorm activities and problem of lightning protection in Vietnam: Results and future work. Proceeding of Geophysics sciencetific conference in 2008, The natural science and technology publisher, p.289-306..

40.  Nguyen Xuan Anh, le Viet Huy, 2008: Research on Aerosol at Bac Giang and Bac Lieu stations. Proceeding of Geophysics sciencetific conference in 2008, The natural science and technology publisher, p.307-320.

41.  Le Van Luu, Le Viet Huy, Pham Xuan Thanh, Hoang Hai Son, Duong Quang Ve, 2008: To assess capability of generating large power wind electricity at Binh Dinh. Proceeding of Geophysics sciencetific conference in 2008, The natural science and technology publisher, p.275-286.


42.  Nguyen Xuan Anh, Pham Le Khuong, 2008: Evaluation of the atmospheric convective index via Formosat-3/Cosmic. Proceeding of Geophysics sciencetific conference in 2008, The natural science and technology publisher, p.321-329.

43.  Nguyen Xuan Anh, Le Nhu Quan, 2008: Research the Lidar applications in studies of Ci cloud. Proceeding of Geophysics sciencetific conference in 2008, The natural science and technology publisher, p.330-338.


44.  Pham Xuan Thanh, Nguyen Xuan Anh, 2008. The predictors of the summer monsoon onset over Southern Vietnam and the rainy season beginning over North Vietnam. Proceeding of Geophysics sciencetific conference in 2008, The natural science and technology publisher, p.339-352.

Loftus, A.M., Tsay, S.-C., Pantina, P., Nguyen, C., Gabriel, P.M., Nguyen, X.A., Sayer, A.M., Tao, W.-K., Matsui, T., 2016. Coupled Aerosol-Cloud Systems over Northern Vietnam during 7-SEAS/BASELInE: A Radar and Modeling Perspective. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 16, 2768–2785. DOI:10.4209/aaqr.2015.11.0631.

Pantina, P., Tsay, S., Hsiao, T., Loftus, A.M., Kuo, F., Sayer, A.M., Wang, S., Lin, N., Hsu, N.C., Janjai, S., Chantara, S., Nguyen, A.X., Goddard, N., Flight, S., 2016. COMMIT in 7-SEAS / BASELInE : Operation of and Observations from a Novel , Mobile Laboratory for Measuring In-Situ Properties of Aerosols and Gases. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 26, 2728–2741. DOI:10.4209/aaqr.2015.011.0630.

Popovicheva, O.B., Engling, G., Diapouli, E., Saraga, D., Persiantseva, N.M., Timofeev, M.A., Kireeva, E.D., Shonija, N.K., Chen, S.-H., Nguyen, D.L., Eleftheriadis, K., Lee, C.-T., 2016. Impact of Smoke Intensity on Size-Resolved Aerosol Composition and Microstructure during the Biomass Burning Season in Northwest Vietnam. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 16, 2635–2654. DOI:10.4209/aaqr.2015.07.0463.

Tsay, S., Maring, H.B., Lin, N., Buntoung, S., Chantara, S., Chuang, H., Gabriel, P.M., Goodloe, C.S., Holben, B.N., Hsiao, T., Hsu, N.C., Janjai, S., Lau, W.K.M., Lee, C., Lee, J., Loftus, A.M., Nguyen, A.X., Nguyen, C.M., Pani, S.K., Pantina, P., Sayer, A.M., Tao, W., Wang, S., Welton, E.J., Wiriya, W., Yen, M., 2016. Satellite-Surface Perspectives of Air Quality and Aerosol-Cloud Effects on the Environment : An Overview of 7-SEAS / BASELInE. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 16, 2581–2602. DOI:10.4209/aaqr.2016.08.0350.

Bernard Fontaine, Xuan Thanh Pham, 2012 : Modulation of the African-Indian rainfall  relationship by the thermal variability overthe Mediterranean Sea in northern summer. International Journal of Climatology (Accepted)

Reid, J.S., Hyer, E.J., Johnson, R., Holben, B.N., Yokelson, R.J., Zhang, J., Campbell, J.R., Christopher, S.A., Di Girolamo, L., Giglio, L., Holz, R.E., Kearney, C., Miettinen, J., Reid, E.A., Turk1, F.J., Wang, J., Xian, P., Zhao, G., Balasubramanian, R., Chew, B.N., Janjai, S., Lagrosas, N., Lestari, P., Lin, N.-H., Mahmud, M., Anh, X.N., Norris, B., Oahn, N.T.K., Oo, M., Salinas, S., Welton, E.J., Liew, S.C., 2012. ­­­Observing and understanding the Southeast Asian aerosol system by remote sensing: An initial review and analysis for the Seven Southeast Asian Studies (7SEAS) program. Atmos. Res., 10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.06.005.

Pham Xuan Thanh, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Do Thi Thuy, Le Viet Huy, 2012 : Impact of winter monsoon circulations on aerosol optical depth in Bac Lieu and Bac Giang. Journal of Sciences of the Earth,  Vol. 34, No. 3, p 266-274.

Dang Thi Bich Hop, Pham Hong Quang, Ngo Dinh Sang, Le Tuan Tu, Do Quang Ngoc and Lai Thanh Thuy, 2012: Study of electrodeposition of CuGaSe2 layer on ITO and Mo substrates. Journal of Science and Technology. Volume 50, Number 1A, pp 183-190.

Damien Boulard, Benjamin Pohl, Julien Crétat, Nicolas Vigaud, Thanh Pham-Xuan, 2012: Downscaling large-scale climate variability using a regional climate model: the case of ENSO over Southern Africa.Climate Dynamics,  DOI 10.1007/s00382-012-1400-6

D. T. B. Hop, P. H. Quang, N. D. Sang, T. H. Duc and L. T. Tu, 2012: Effect of sulfamic acid as complexing agent on electrodeposition of CIGS absorber thin film. Journal of Ceramic Processing and Research. Accepted (JCPR 11-0070).

P. H. Quang, N. D. Sang, D. T. B. Hop, 2012: Effect of electrodeposition potential on the composition and morphology of CIGS absorber thin film. Bulletin of Materials Science. Accepted (BOMS-D-11-00766R1).

D. T. B. Hop, P. H. Quang, N. D. Sang, 2012: Growth of Cu(In0.7Ga0.3)Se2 stoichiometric thin film by electrodeposition. Communication In Physics. Accepted.

Pham Xuan Thanh, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Le Viet Huy, Le Nhu Quan, Hoang Hai Son, Pham Le Khuong, 2012 : Impact of rainfall in summer onseting monsoon on aerosol optical depth in Bac Lieu. Journal of Sciences of the Earth,  Vol. 33, No. 1, p10-17.

Hoang Hai Son, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Le Viet Huy, Pham Xuan Thanh, 2011 : Determination of lightning activity parameters from lightning simulation data. Journal of Sciences of the Earth, Vol. 33, No. 2, p 134-141.

Xuan Thanh Pham, Bernard Fontaine, Nathalie Philippon, Xuan Anh Nguyen, Nhu Quan Le, 2011. Definition and predictability of the Summer Monsoon Onset over the Southern Vietnam The Second International MAHASRI/HyARC Workshop on Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle. 22-24 August 2011, Nha Trang.

Le Nhu Quan, Phan Van Tan, 2011: Projected changes of heavy rainfall indices over Vietnam using Regional Climate Model (RegCM3). Journal of science, Vietnam national university, hanoi, Vol. 27, No. 1, p200-210.

Thi-Minh-Ha Ho, Van-Tan Phan, Nhu-Quan Le, Quang-Trung Nguyen, 2011:  Extreme climatic events over Vietnam from ­observational data and RegCM3 projections. Climate research Monthly, ISSN:0936-577X, doi:10.3354/cr01021

Phan Van Tan, Nguyen Quang Trung, Ngo Duc Thanh, Le Nhu Quan, 2011 : On the seasonal prediction of surface climate over Vietnam using Regional Climate Model (RegCM3) The Second International MAHASRI / HyARC Workshop on Asian Monsoon and Water Cycle. 22-24 August 2011, Nha Trang, Viet Nam, 97-106.

P. H. Quang, D. T. B. Hop, N. D. Sang,L. T. Tu,N. T. Nghi, 2011 : Effect of sulfamic acid as complexing agent on electrodeposition of CIGS absorber thin film. World Journal of Engineering Vol. 8, P. 929-930

Pham Hong Quang, Ngo Dinh Sang, Le Tuan Tu, Dang Thi Bich Hop, Nguyen Thanh Nghi, 2011: Effect of electrodeposition potential on the composition and morphology of CIGS absorber thin film. World Journal of Engineering Vol. 8, P. 869-870

Pham X.T., B. Fontaine, N. Philippon, 2010 : Onset of the Summer Monsoon over the Southern Vietnam and its Predictability. Theor. Appl. Climatol. , 99, 105-113.

Le Van Luu, Le Viet Huy, Pham Xuan Thanh, Hoang Hai Son, 2010 : Solar radiation and wind at several locations in the territory of Vietnam. Scientific conference 35th anniversary of the VietNam Academy of Science and Technology – Ha Noi 2010. Subcommittee: Earth Sciences, p300-305.

Nguyen Xuan Anh, Le Viet Huy, Hoang Hai Son, 2010: Some results of the recent thunderstorm and lightning protection research at the Institute of Geophysics. Scientific conference 35th anniversary of the VietNam Academy of Science and Technology – Ha Noi 2010. Subcommittee: Earth Sciences, p295-299.

Le Viet Huy, Nguyen Xuan Anh, 2010: The method and some primary results of aerosol observation in VietNam . Scientific conference 35th anniversary of the VietNam  Academy of Science and Technology – Ha Noi 2010. Subcommittee: Earth Science, p306-310.

V. A. Shklovskij,  Dang Thi Bich Hop, 2010 : The Hall effect and microwave absorption by vortices in an anisotropic superconductor with a periodic pinning potential. Low Temperature Physics, Vol.36, No. 1, P 71-80.

Gudkov, V.N.;   Lutsenko, V.I.;   Lutsenko, I.V.;   Anh, N.X.;   Popov, I.V.;   Sinitskiy, V.B. 2010 : Using signals of the global navigation satellites for diagnostics of above land troposphere refraction, Radar Conference (EuRAD), 2010 European   ISBN: 978-1-4244-7234-5 , P. 495 - 498

James R. Campbell, Nofel Lagrosas, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Boon Ning Chew, Brent N. Holben, Neng-Huei Lin, Jeffrey S. Reid, Santo V. Salinas, Nobuo Sugimoto, Si-Chee Tsay, and Ellsworth J. Welton, 2010  SALINAS: An Emerging Aerosol LIDAR Network Supporting the Seven Southeast Asian Studies (7SEAS) Campaign.  25th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC25) 5 - 9 July 2010 St. Petersburg, Russia.

V. I. Lutsenko I. V. Lutsenko and N. X. Anh, 2010:The use of doppler radars for studying the turbulence of air masses in clouds.  Radioelectronics and Communications Systems. Volume 53, Number 6ISSN 0735-2727, DOI: 10.3103/S0735272710060014

V. N. Gudkov V. I. LutsenkoI. V. Lutsenko and N. X. Anh, 2010:Diagnosing refraction properties of troposphere over land using global navigation systems. Radioelectronics and Communications Systems Volume 53, Number 7ISSN 0735-2727 DOI: 10.3103/S0735272710070010

Pham Xuan Thanh, Nguyen Xuan Anh, Le Viet Huy, Le Nhu Quan, Bernard Fontaine, Nathalie Philippon, 2009.Spatial and temporal study of rainfall characteristics over Vietnam. Journal of Sciences of the Earth,  Vol. 31, No. 4,  p39-48.

V. A. Shklovskij,  Dang Thi Bich Hop, 2009 : Effect of the transport current on microwave absorption by vortices in type-II superconductors. Low Temperature Physics, Vol.35, No. 5, P365-369

V.N. Gudkov, V.I. Lutsenko, I.V. Lutsenko, N.X. Anh, 2009 : Remote Sensing of Troposphere Processes Using Systems of Global Navigation.  International Radar Symposium 2009, Hamburg, Germany

V.I. Lutsenko, I.V. Lutsenko, I.V. Popov, N.X. Anh, 2009 :Use Doppler Radars for Studying Turbu-lence of Air Weights in Storm Clouds. International Radar Symposium 2009, Hamburg, Germany

V.I.Lutsenko, I.V.Lutsenko, I.V.Popov, V.B. Sinitsky, E.V. Tarnavsky, N.X. Anh, 2009:Usage of Electromagnetic Fields of Anthropogenic Irradiation Sources for Remote Sensing of Atmospheric.  International Radar Symposium 2009, Hamburg, Germany

V.N.Gudkov, V.I. Lutsenko, I.V Lutsenko,  N.X. Anh, 2009: Đánh giá phổ  trong bài toán xác định khúc xạ tầng đối lưu  và các lớp phản xạ theo mức biến đổi tín hiệu vệ tinh Hội thảo quốc tế về xử lý tín hiệu không theo phân bố chuẩn. Cherkas, Ukraine, 2009, tr.101-103

Nguyen Xuan Anh, Pham Le Khuong, V.A. Kabanov, V.I. Lutsenko, I.V. Lutsenko, V.B. Sinitsky, 2008 : Estimation of atmospheric parameters related with the dangerous meteorological phenomena by radio occultation Method. Journal of GEOLOGY, Series B, No. 31-32, p. 60-66

Pham Xuan Thanh, Bernard Fontaine, Nathalie Philippon, 2008 : Definition and predictability of the beginning of the rainy season over North Vietnam. Journal of Sciences of the Earth,  Vol. 30, No. 1, p 39-48.

Nguyen Xuan Anh, 2008: the research strategy of atmospheric physics in the 21st century. Proceeding of Geophysics sciencetific conference in 2008, The natural science and technology publisher, p.269-274.

Nguyen Xuan Anh, Le Viet Huy, Hoang Hai Son, 2008: Research on thunderstorm activities and problem of lightning protection in Vietnam: Results and future work. Proceeding of Geophysics sciencetific conference in 2008, The natural science and technology publisher, p.289-306..

Nguyen Xuan Anh, le Viet Huy, 2008: Research on Aerosol at Bac Giang and Bac Lieu stations. Proceeding of Geophysics sciencetific conference in 2008, The natural science and technology publisher, p.307-320.

Le Van Luu, Le Viet Huy, Pham Xuan Thanh, Hoang Hai Son, Duong Quang Ve, 2008: To assess capability of generating large power wind electricity at Binh Dinh. Proceeding of Geophysics sciencetific conference in 2008, The natural science and technology publisher, p.275-286.

Nguyen Xuan Anh, Pham Le Khuong, 2008: Evaluation of the atmospheric convective index via Formosat-3/Cosmic. Proceeding of Geophysics sciencetific conference in 2008, The natural science and technology publisher, p.321-329.

Nguyen Xuan Anh, Le Nhu Quan, 2008: Research the Lidar applications in studies of Ci cloud. Proceeding of Geophysics sciencetific conference in 2008, The natural science and technology publisher, p.330-338. 

Pham Xuan Thanh, Nguyen Xuan Anh, 2008. The predictors of the summer monsoon onset over Southern Vietnam and the rainy season beginning over North Vietnam. Proceeding of Geophysics sciencetific conference in 2008, The natural science and technology publisher, p.339-352.


Famous saying

It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how Nature is. Physics concerns what we say about Nature - Niels Bohr
Every science begins as philosophy and ends as art - Will Durant
The more I spent time on maths, the more excited I got - Maryam Mirzakhani
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere - Albert Einstein
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results - Albert Einstein
Society lives by faith, and develops by science - Henri Frederic Amiel
All abstract sciences are nothing but the study of relations between signs - Denis Diderot
In order to shake a hypothesis, it is sometimes not necessary to do anything more than push it as far as it will go - Denis Diderot
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind - Albert Einstein
Art is the beautiful way of doing things. Science is the effective way of doing things. Business is the economic way of doing things - Elbert Hubbard
We should not teach children the sciences; but give them a taste for them - Jean Jacques Rousseau
All abstract sciences are nothing but the study of relations between signs - Denis Diderot
Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it - Albert Einstein
In all science error precedes the truth, and it is better it should go first than last - Horace Walpole




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