Head of Dep: PhD. Nguyen Le Minh
Deputy head of Dep: Ma.Dinh Quoc Van
+ Tel: 84. 24. 37562799; Fax: 84. 24. 38364696;
Function and task
- Managing, operating and developing National seismic network.
- Conducting basic and applied researches for fast and accurately collecting data.
- Researching characteristic of wave propagation and strong ground motion in Vietnam and adjacent area for studying deep structure and seismic hazard assessment.
Network system
- 9 short period of 1s, 1 component sensors.
- 14 short period of 1s, 3 component sensors.
- 5 broadband sensors 120s-50Hz, going to add 20 sensors more.
Seismic networks
- Telemetry network for observing earthquake surround Hanoi and adjacent area.
- Short period network for observing earthquake in Vietnam and adjacent area. It is distributed on whole Vietnam, and mostly concentrate in Northern Vietnam.
- Broadband seismic network is in project ”Strengthening seismic network for earthquake information and tsunami warning in Vietnam”, including 25 broadband seismic stations. 5 stations have installed, the rest are going to be installed in coming time.
International cooperation
- Cooperating with Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan to deploy 25 broadband seismic stations for studying wave propagation characteristic, deep structure and seismic hazard assessment in Vietnam.
- Cooperating with National Central University, Taiwan for studying site effects in seismic hazard assessment.
- Cooperating with National Taiwan University in seismological research and education.
- Cooperating with University of Tokyo and Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) to deploy 3 broadband seismic stations for studying deep structure in Vietnam.
- Cooperating with Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (RIMES) to deploy 2 broadband seismic stations to exchange information in order for earthquake information and tsunami warning in Vietnam.
Human resource
- In office: 2 Ph.D., 1 Ph.D. student, 2 Masters and 9 Bachelors.
- In stations: 7 official technical and 30 temporary contracts.
Project and publication
- Presiding and joining 3 National projects, 2 projects from National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) and many other projects.
- Published 4 SCI papers, 8 papers in National major journals and many papers in National and International major conferences.
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